Lesser known Tales from the Mahabharata

Literature Theater

Sat, 19 May 2018


“What is found here may be found elsewhere, but what is not found here cannot be found elsewhere.”

Few stories in the world are as intriguing as the Mahabharata, with its numerous plots and sub plots and characters having strengths and flaws in equal measure.

“Lesser known TALES from the MAHABHARATA’ is an endeavour by Vikram Sridhar and Aparna Jaishankar to recreate an interest in this epic.

Vikram Sridhar is a Performance Storyteller who believes in Storytelling as a strong medium for Conservation, which is highly relevant in the modern context. Vikram combines his work and interest in Theatre and Conservation in his Storytelling. He performs in various public and private to an audience of various age groups and capacities. Around The Story Tree is his initiative to connect the modern day listeners to the environment around us through the power of stories and arts. He is also the Co Founder of Tahatto