Voice and Expression

Somatic Theater Voice

Fri, 21 Aug 2020 August 21st - August 30th
10 am - 1 pm IST


This workshop is organised around the practice of Fitzmaurice Voicework, Vachika and a mixed bag of acting techniques.

This is a “must attend” workshop for those who want to bridge voice and performance/expression. It is packed with conceptual, experiential and practical insights drawn from acting techniques such as Meisner, Chekhov and Rasa Sadhana.

The aim of the workshop is to support participants to find/build character and her voice by dipping into the autonomic/intuitive body.

Apart from gaining a foundation in Fitzmaurice Voicework & Vachika, the participants will work on a short performance piece which they will share with the group at the end of the workshop.