Alexander Technique – Continuous Learning Programme

Training Program

Tue, 08 Oct 2019 Tue - Sat / 08 OCT - 19 OCT
5pm - 8pm


Two Weeks—₹15,000

In this intensive, students will be introduced to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the Alexander Technique. This includes observation of the ‘Use of the Self’, reflections on one’s own patterns, and application of the technique in daily life.

The workshop is appropriate for people who are new to the technique and those with prior experience. As the nature of the work is not linear, it is greatly beneficial for people to revisit to continue and strengthen their practice.

The workshop in October is part of a larger teacher training programme, which will have intensive modules throughout the year in addition to online correspondence with the Heads of Training, Robin and Béatrice. Please contact for more information on the training programme.

A student may also sign up for the intensive and decide to join the full training programme during the duration of the workshop (fees will be adjusted accordingly).

About the Technique:

Developed by F. Matthias Alexander in 1894 this Technique is essentially a re-educative self-help system that promotes better health by improving posture, coordination, and breathing. It is used by people from all backgrounds and all ages both in the arts, in offices and businesses, at home, and in all sporting activities. Doctors frequently recommend a course of lessons to their patients to assist with poor posture, whiplash injury, all kinds of back problems (including slipped discs), or with respiratory troubles. Many well-known celebrities and performers take lessons to manage stress and improve their performance in whatever they do.


The Alexander Technique gives you a totally new experience of yourself—a harmonious integration of body and mind. Unconscious tension is released, you feel lighter, gain more energy, move with greater freedom, and breathe more deeply. This self-help method teaches you greater consciousness of your posture, breathing, thinking, and movement patterns; it has a therapeutic effect. You will be in touch again with your kinaesthetic sense, or as a client has described it: “You gave me my body back!”

It is widely used by people to:
1. Help relieve pain
2. Improve performance and coordination in any activity
3. Prevent injury and fatigue
4. Release unnecessary tension
5. Find a balanced, flowing, and powerful expression of self
6. Improve and enhance the practice of artists like actors, musicians, dancers, and performers


8th – 12th & 15th – 19th Oct (open to new participants)
Tue – Sat
5 – 8pm

2 weeks – Rs. 15,000
(Fees include one 50-min 1-on-1 individual lesson as well)

About the Facilitators:

ROBIN JOHN SIMMONS (SBAT, MSTAT) has been teaching the Alexander Technique since 1971 and training teachers since 1982. At present he resides in Switzerland and is the Co-Director of his training school, ATLAZ, in Zürich along with his wife Béatrice. He also teaches T’ai Chi, Nordic Walking, Dart Evolution Procedures, and is the author of the pathbreaking work ‘The Evolution of Movement’.

BÉATRICE SIMMONS-HEIZ (SBAT, MSTAT) has been teaching the Alexander Technique and has led healing sessions based on Animistic Tradition Wisdom for over 25 years. Apart from training professionals, she also offers private Alexander Technique lessons as well as courses and consultations in Alchemy of Fragrances and in Healing Alchemy. She runs a private practice in Animistic Tradition and Ancestral Wisdom, and Alexander Technique in her Attara Atelier in Switzerland, and works worldwide.