Continuum – A Beginners Class


Tue, 16 Jan 2018 3:30pm - 6:30pm



Contact Rashmi Ajay at or call us at: +91-9243410030

Continuum is a practice using breath, sound, mindful awareness, and gentle movement.

How Can Continuum Help Me?
Modern life is fast and stressful. As you rush through your life, engage with electronics, and multi-task, your body tissues contract and become less fluid. Physical and emotional trauma can also have this effect.
Compression creates body density and isolates tissue. Your body is more rigid and less able to move. With compression, you are less able to respond in new ways to what life presents.

Continuum helps you to:
• Interrupt the aging process
• Increase fluid movement and flexibility
• Enhance your scope of health and vitality
• Experience pleasure and enjoyment in your body
• Develop renewed creativity and spontaneity
Practicing Continuum is like giving you a bodywork session, without any effort!

How does Continuum Work?
Breath: Slowing down, bringing awareness to breath…
• Enhances relaxation and mediates stress
• Increases oxygen flow to all your cells
• Facilitates detoxification so needed in our polluted world
• Unlocks your diaphragm and helps your lungs, heart, and digestive organs work better

Sound: Making specific sounds
• Releases patterns of stress and tension
• Tones your diaphragm
• Helps you slow down and relax
• Vibrates your body tissues, shaking loose old patterns of tension and trauma

Movement: Moving, or being moved, in spontaneous, new ways with awareness
• Dissolves rigidity in your body tissues
• Increases flexibility
• Enhances ease and vitality
• Builds strength
• Frees you from the bondage of old patterns and habits
• Helps you be more present and comfortable in your body
• Crates new pathways in your brain
• Develops creativity and ability to be present in every aspect of your life, work and relationships

Who Can Benefit from Continuum?
Continuum can be beneficial for anyone dealing with stress and aging, as well as specific health issues. It also supports creative activities like writing, visual or performance arts. It has been helpful for …
• Traumatic brain injuries
• Spinal cord injuries
• Back and neck pain
• Chronic pain, fatigue and neuromuscular problems
• Heart and breathing issues
• Arthritis and other joint problems
• Osteoporosis and other issues related to aging

Continuum’s founder, Emilie Conrad was a pioneer in the field of Somatics. Her groundbreaking research at UCLA demonstrated the vital power of fluid movement in restoring neural function. Emilie has shown that movement can return even with the paralysis of spinal cord injuries.
Continuum has been used for 50 years to enhance health and function with many types of health issues. Our bodies are made up mostly of water. Continuum explores why this is so and leads us to an important key to health and well being.

Authorized Continuum Teacher, Cherionna Menzam-Sills practices and teaches Continuum, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Prenatal and Birth Therapy across Europe and North America often with her husband Franklin Sills. She draws on her 40 years of experience as a therapist (occupational therapy, massage, prenatal and birth, somatic and dance/movement psychotherapy). She is committed in her work and life to an embodied presence.